jueves, 8 de abril de 2010


Where was I when it happened?

I was with some friends in my car , I was driving my car so i had to stop.

How did I feel?

well... i don´t really know how to answer that. first i thought it wasn´t a big thing , maybe a tremor ,but the when i saw the effects and how the people were acting i don´t know what is going on.

How did I react?

well as i said, i was driving a car and the only thing i think was that i had to stop. I take it as it was just a tremor so i didn´t react badly.

How did the people around me react?

i was with some friends. some of them were sleeping so they didn´t know what did happened until they awake. anyway the ones that weren´t sleeping take it the same way i did.

Did my property or your relatives’ suffer any damage?

fortunately not, i think i am a really lucky man.

Do you think this earthquake shook more than concrete structures?

of course it shook more than just concrete structures. it shook the most part of social structures and that´s why the reactions of the goverment wasn´t faster as it shoud be, because it was not an might structure. but the good part of all that was that know we know what´s wrong in our society and we can change it... of course only if we want and we have a constructive spirit .

How do i react now when there are aftershocks?

i react the same way before, i don´t fear aftershocks or things like that.

How is now my conception of earthquakes changed after February 27th?

my conception was the same but the only difference is that now i really know how are earthquakes.

4 comentarios:

  1. So, you were driving! I have a friend who were driving too, and I felt like one tire was damage, did you felt it too?
    And… driving at 3 in the morning! That is no so common, and with people sleeping! Was in some type of party?
    Luckily all of you are OK.
    See you next week!

  2. I am agree with you that this earthquake clearly shocked more than just buldings or material things. But i hope the change of the society after this facts be for good and for improve the mistakes already commited.

  3. luckily your and your familly are ok... i think we are really lucku to be able to said that!

  4. Sorry, I know it sounds shallow but I think it is really amazing that you did not notice the earthquake being in Curico.
